MAPP Gas Cylinder

Does this fit the ts8000?
I think that is the exact model I have. I am not at home right now, but when i googled a picture of the ts8000, it looks identical to the one I have. The bluefires work great
By Amazon Customer on December 4, 2019
What is the flame temperature of this mapp gas substitute? no where in the description does it provide this information...
There's a chart which shows a MAPP column I believe it supposed to be this product showing 3750 F in air. Seeing as actual MAPP burns at 3670 F according to Wikipedia, we can assume the "MAPP" column is supposed to be for this MAPP Substitute.
So, in short 3750 F, if the marketing is to be believed.

By Alan Westbrook on December 28, 2020
If memory serves....I think MAAP gas burns about 100 degrees hotter. Propane, I think, burns about 3600 degrees and this MAAP gas would be 3700 degrees. I am not an expert but that's the way it worked for me.
By D. P. Westley on December 22, 2019
Is this safe for searzall torch attachment?
It says right in the description of this product that it is not for searzall, plus the searzall description says propane only
By WRPSD on February 12, 2020
Can't seem to find a definitive answer. i want a hose (for extension) to run from a tank this size to my ts8000 torch. suggestions?
Bernzomatic WH0159 . Don’t worry, it’s completely safe. So long as you don’t intentionally point the torch flame directly on the hose for long periods of time. Of course, that’s exactly what it would take to make it unsafe.
By Geno on September 30, 2019
Where do you store these tanks when not in use?
You can technically store them anywhere you want, that is if your using it at home (hobby use) which is not governed by OSHA regulations. Although, if the cause of a fire that burns down your home was found to be caused by the improper storage of a highly flammable gas, I would be willing to bet that the issuer of your homeowners insurance will try their absolute best to not pay for the damage!
By Ray on October 10, 2019
does this ship with fuel in the tank or do you have to fill it?
ships with fuel in tank
By Lloyd Porter on November 12, 2019
It comes full of fuel.
By Hugh on November 12, 2019
It did come pre filled.
By Amazon Customer on November 12, 2019
Full, one time use
By Curt C. on November 13, 2019
When i attached this to the ts8000 i could feel/smell gas where it’s attached at. is this normal and needs to be tightened down more, or no?
I did not zero in on these specific tanks. However, I've most always detected a faint gas odor when connecting / disconnecting propane / map gas tanks.
By Scott on December 5, 2019
I would certainly ask a professional
By Patchlove on December 6, 2019
Can you use this to blow glass?
Don’t know. Try it. I use it to start a burn on brush.
By Oscar C. on January 19, 2022
Will these work on a Benzo-matic TS4000?
I just checked out the Bernzomatic product page and could only find information on the ts4000t torch; not on a ts4000 model, but I'll assume they are the same thing. According to the bernzomatic product information, the ts4000t is designed to run on "MAPPRO" fuel, which according to bernzomatic SDS is 99.5% propylene gas and 0. 5% propane. The "Bluefire" and "Koman" brand torch fuels being sold on Amazon, firstly are the exact same product, from the same manufacturer, just with an inexplicable dual naming for extra market saturation and confusion. Next, these are labeled as a "modern substitute for mapp gas", and according to the SDS data sheets are a blend of 40% propylene, 40% dimethyl ether (aka starting fluid), and 20 percent propane. My experience with this formula of torch fuel is that it seems to produce a noticeably hotter flame than either propane or propylene (mapp pro), and it seems to have a flame that really dumps heat into the parts being heated more effectively than propane - it's hard to describe, but it definitely outperforms the other available options. That said it doesn't hold a candle to (splash cymbal) the temperature or effectiveness of the old formula mapp gas which is not manufactured since 2008, apparently anywhere on the planet and was a stabilized methylacetylene /propadiene /propylene /propane abomination of mixed gasses, and it was hot. These options today are embarrassing compared to the performance of the old mapp gas, so if you see any old stock cylinders of it lying around, you would do well to try it! Hope that helps. 
By Simon on February 24, 2022
What gasses are these cylinders filled with? The actual chemical names?
These cylinders ARE NOT FILLED with methylacetylene-propadiene-propane (MAPP) gas, nor are they filled with 99.5 percent propylene-0.5 percent propane, which is the other MAPP gas substitute on the current market typically sold under the bernzomatic/Worthington label as "map pro" gas. According to the SDS sheet, these are a blend of 40 percent dimethyl ether- 40 percent propylene- 20 percent propane. The only north American manufacturer of the old MAPP formulation ceased production permanently in 2008, at which time product was silently changed over to the nearly pure propylene "map pro" product, sold in nearly identical cylinders, but yielding only a 100-200 degree temperature increase over pure propane, as opposed to the 1200 degree boost provided by the old methylacetylene MAPP formula. I cannot find any information, including from the Blueflame parent company regarding the flame temperature or performance of this dimethyl ether-propylene- propane composition, but anecdotally, in my use it seems appreciably hotter than the mapp pro propylene option, and much, much hotter and effective than propane, both in fuel/ air and fuel/ oxygen torches when I tested it on some bronze brazing with oxy/ fuel, and aluminum "welding"(soldering?) With a turbo torch style air/fuel torch. Hope that clears it up.
By Simon on October 31, 2021
500 f is the max temp i am getting using a bernzomatic ts8000 torch. do i need a different torch to get at least 700 f from this product?
By ABLE on December 31, 2020
Hotter than map pro? i'm not finding any scientific data to back up this claim. more in the tank sure. easy to confirm. hotter than propane, so what?
It does not burn hotter than propane and runs out real fast. Half the time of a propane bottle
By Jacek Zakowicz on August 2, 2020
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